Citizen-Centered Leadership Seminars, Workshops, Courses and Webinars

With more than 20 years of professional experience in the disability services field, Carol Blessing is a veteran trainer, presenter and workshop facilitator. Carol develops and conducts training programs that specialize in topics such as person-centered planning, customized supported employment, community inclusion and citizenship and disability.

Carol's enthusiasm and expertise has influenced thousands of people world-wide to re-think and remove barriers that keep people with disabilities from typical community experiences. While Carol's work is relevant to anyone who is interested in improving the status and life conditions of people with disabilities, the core of her presentations have particular benefit for

Person-centered planners
Service coordinators
Community bridge-builders
Program coordinators
Direct care service providers
People with disabilities and their families
Employment specialists
Case managers
Social Workers

For more information about any of the programs, or to request additional training or consultation, contact Carol Blessing.

Current Course